30 Workshops in 6 weeks

I like a challenge as much as the next person….sometimes. Other times I’ve really gotta wonder what my Big Ideas have really gotten me into. This morning, I’m a mixture of both….excitement and “Oh My Goodness WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING?!?!?!?

I’ve set the date to go into the Markets to peddle my wares so to speak..which is FANTASTIC!! Now to work out the finer details, like Public Liability Insurance (sorted), Co Consultants to help out on the Stall (sorted), Products to sell (sorting….lol) and Displays…..no brackets for this one; so not sorted!

I went through all the current Kaszazz Workshops last night to work out which ones I have supplies here for already that I can do up as Samples for future Classes. Turns out there’s 30 from over 400. Little drop, big ocean…but we all start somewhere. Actually considering up until the last few months, I’ve never really been focused on Workshops, just what I like and what works for upcoming Classes, I’m quite surprised with my own progress.

So now I have about 6 weeks to come up with as many Samples from the 30 Workshops that I possibly can. Actually, I’ll work out today how many I’ve already done up which will make my life a fraction easier. Just a fraction mind. 😉

On top of the Samples for my upcoming Father’s Day Online Party, Cards & Boxes to sell at aforementioned Market, personal Family & Friends Birthday Cards….The Man’s party invites. Ahhh, no rest for the wicked right. 😉

So today it starts….am about to sit down and work out which ones I can get cracking on today. The sooner the 30 are done up, the sooner I can focus on everything else including finding my halo and sanity somewhere along the way.

Fingers crossed.

Till Next Time!! xx


4 thoughts on “30 Workshops in 6 weeks

    • CraftyCan says:

      Thanks!! 😀 When I’m not freaking out at how much there is to do I’m actually really enjoying the process. Little daunting, but such a buzz. I’ve already got quite a few made up…more than I thought I had. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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